Testimonials The capital campaign for the Ripon Public Library


“When my daughter needed major spinal surgery, the library’s balance bike was a game changer during her recovery! It allowed her to keep up with her siblings without exhausting herself and kept her spirits up. The Ripon Public Library serves us and others in surprising and powerful ways!”

– Kimber Heiling (pictured above with daughter Lilah)

“The Ripon Public Library has been a fixture in this town for as long as I can remember! I am impressed by our library’s ability to stay relevant to our community members’ changing wants and needs. Ripon Public Library thinks outside of the “books” to be a valued resource and community partner. This renovation will solidify our library as a place for future generations to enjoy and grow through its many indoor and outdoor benefits. The natural setting behind the library was a place to read and relax when I was a student, and I look forward to utilizing that space again! A flourishing library keeps our community strong and vibrant with its positive impact rippling through individual lives, families, businesses, and industry.”

– Candie Baker, Owner, Webster’s Marketplace

“The Ripon Public Library is invaluable in our community, frequently partnering with and supporting school district initiatives. At the elementary level, school supply lists include “Obtain a library card!” We want students to know from the start the wealth of resources and opportunities our library provides, such as storytime, diverse collections, new releases, technology, digital databases, teen activities, and more. The library is foundational in providing the resources to engage in a lifetime of literacy, learning, and enrichment for all ages and stages!”

– Mary Whitrock, Superintendent, Ripon Public Schools

“As a new resident of Ripon, finding the Public Library and participating in the various programs they provide has been wonderful. My family and I have felt so welcomed and enriched by every event we’ve attended. It is plain to see that in a small town like Ripon, the library plays an integral role in the health and well-being of the community.”

– Wednesday Stanley