Strong Libraries Build Strong Communities The capital campaign for the Ripon Public Library
A note from the Library Board President:
As a library user and former librarian, I am impressed by the quality of service provided by our library staff and leadership. Time and again I experience firsthand care, professionalism, and proof that the Ripon Public Library exists to serve all ages and needs creatively and effectively.
As a board we are proud of our library’s commitment to:
- be a welcoming, vital community hub that prioritizes equal access to all.
- investigate new avenues for adding value and services.
- continually evolve by anticipating the needs of our ever-changing community.
Our modern library extends beyond books. It offers technology, digital access to materials, engaging programs for all ages, educational projects, arts, crafts, music, and more!
This is where you come in. We have exciting plans to transform the entire library campus into a dynamic destination location offering indoor, outdoor, and creek-side features that will put our city and library on the map! Please join us by taking part in the “Thinking Outside the Books” capital campaign.
With gratitude,
Lauren McConnell, President
Ripon Public Library Board of Trustees:
- Doug Iverson
- Austin Klingler
- Travis Liptow
- Lauren McConnell
- Andrew Prellwitz
- Michele Velie
- Janet Vossekuil
- Gary Will