Thinking Outside the Books Recognition Opportunities

- Naming Rights to the Library AVAILABLE
- Welcoming Exterior Entryway Plaza AVAILABLE
- West Wing Renovation AVAILABLE
- Event Stage and Seating AVAILABLE
- Picnic Lawn and Stone Seatwall AVAILABLE
- Renovated Library Entryway RESERVED FOR: 100 Extraordinary Women
- Cascade Water Feature with Trunk Table RESERVE FOR: Peter & Emily Sensenbrenner
- West Universal Access, Walkway and Trail AVAILABLE
- ‘Playbrary’ Children’s Interactive Area AVAILABLE
- Large Meeting Room with Furniture AVAILABLE
- Reading Garden with Tables in Front of the Library AVAILABLE
- Picnic Lawn and Stone AVAILABLE
- Play Tunnel AVAILABLE
- Renovations to the East Wing to match design AVAILABLE
- Climbing Play Wall Area and Slide AVAILABLE
- Windows Overlooking Silver Creek with Expanded Views AVAILABLE
- Study Room with Furniture (2 available) 1 RESERVED FOR: Oshkosh Area Community Foundation
- Rain Garden AVAILABLE
- Aromatic Garden AVAILABLE
- Stone Steps to the Creek AVAILABLE
- Belle’s Reading Nook RESERVED IN MEMORY OF: Annabelle Dorsch
- Welcome Center and Ripon Information Area RESERVED FOR: Friends of the Ripon Public Library
- Computer Nook RESERVED FOR: Ralph & Lois Quinney
- Welcome Sign Near the Trailhead AVAILABLE
- Wayfinding Sign AVAILABLE
- Board Games Shelving Unit and Display AVAILABLE
- Gallery Wall AVAILABLE
- New Book Display AVAILABLE
- Table and 4 Chairs Set (4 available) AVAILABLE
- Picture Book Shelving Unit (6 available) AVAILABLE
- Shelving Units; names on end caps (20 available) AVAILABLE
- Catalog Station AVAILABLE
Naming Rights Policy
I. Purpose of the Naming Rights Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of the Ripon Public Library from time to time to recognize the generosity of individuals, corporations, foundation, or other donors by choosing to create a specific naming designation for a collection, facility, or portion of a facility keeping with the nature and mission of the library. Naming opportunities are also available to honor a person’s significant service to the library, to the community, or to society at large. Even though the Library Board is grateful for and encourages donations, the Board holds the right to decline any gift to the library or reject any naming proposal.
The Board recognizes that naming a collection, facility, or portion of a facility is a decision of immense importance. Therefore, making these decisions is undertaken with an appreciation for that significance. The Board of Trustees considers the granting of Naming Rights one of the highest distinctions it can bestow.
II. Definitions
- Naming Rights: includes meetings spaces, reading areas, study rooms, special use areas, equipment, and any other interior or exterior spaces, in honor or memory of an individual, corporation, foundation, or organization as grateful recognition of the donor’s gift.
- Gift: a voluntary and irrevocable pledge paid to the Ripon Public Library in the form of a one-time contribution, or in multiple contributions over a period of several years. Stocks can also be provided as a gift. In-kind gifts may be accepted should those gifts be convertible to cash or have value to a campaign.
- “Significant service to the library, to the community, or to society at large”: is to honor a person who has contributed meaningfully over time to the social, academic, scholarly, research, or political life of the City of Ripon or society at large. Those honored with such a naming might be:
a. Persons not directly connected with the library who have contributed significantly to the social, academic, scholarly, research, or political life of the community
b. Persons who have contributed significantly, in one way or another, to the growth and development of the library
c. An illustrious former employee or Board member
d. An outstanding statesperson, educator, or scholar who may or may not be connected to the library or the City of Ripon.
III. Policy Guidelines
- The Board has the sole and absolute discretion regarding Naming Rights.
- Naming rights will be memorialized in a Naming Rights Donor Agreement which will grant donor specified Naming Rights to a particular space, subject to acceptance of the donor’s gift and approval of such naming by the Board and consistent with this policy.
- Naming rights carry no power of direction or implied power of direction to the library on matters of appointment of persons, policies, operational or capital decisions, or any other library processes or activities.
- All naming rights shall be approved for a specific term, which shall not be longer than the useful life of the property or facility, as determined by the Library Board, unless otherwise established in the naming rights agreement between the library and the donor. A plaque may remain in the location acknowledging the name and the donation.
- No permanent signage will be put into place until 51% of the funds are received by the library and all pledges must be paid within three years from the initial pledge.
- In the event that agreed upon funding to constitute a naming opportunity ceases before the agreed time or amount, the Library Board may discontinue the use of the benefactor’s name.
- When a major building project or capital campaign is to be undertaken, a tailored naming policy may be proposed for various rooms, or parts of the building and its environs. Such a policy will require the endorsement of the Library Board.
- The Library Board reserves the right to terminate or alter a naming designation under unusual circumstances, or if an individual or organization named comes into disrepute at the library or in the community at large. Should the Naming Rights Donor Agreement be terminated, the Board, the library, and the City of Ripon shall have no further obligation or liability to the donor and shall not be required to return any portion of the gift that has already been paid. The Board may choose an alternative recognition for the portion of the gift that has been received in its sole discretion.
IV. Request Procedure
The Ripon Public Library Board of Trustees shall charge the Library Director to review and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for naming opportunities:
- All requests for naming shall be submitted to the Board in writing. The requests shall contain justification compliant with the criteria and objectives outlined in this policy. The Board will review each submitted naming nomination on its individual merits.
- The Library Board will vote to approve or deny recommendations.
- Upon approval, a Naming Rights Agreement shall be created, approved by the Library Board, and signed by the Library Board President and the individuals, corporations, foundations, or other donors who have proposed the naming rights. The terms of the Naming Rights Agreement shall be based upon the definitions and guidelines in this Ripon Public Library Naming Rights Policy.
- No publicity shall be given the recommendation for naming until approved by the Board.
- Requests for naming will be brought to the Library Board for their action within 60 days, and the donor will be notified within 14 days of the Library Board’s decision.
- Requests will be considered in the order they are received.
V. Recognition
- Upon approval of the naming by the Library Board, an appropriate dedication ceremony may be planned and conducted. The donor, guests, the media, and the Library Board will be notified for attendance and participation. A dedication plaque or comparable marking may be established at the ceremony.
- The Board reserves the right to choose wording, size, location, and style of recognition. Visual recognition of a named space will adhere to Library brand standards, including exterior and interior signage, logos, letterhead, and all other representations of the library’s identity.
VI. Renaming and/or Modification
- Any request to rename, add, or remove a name from a collection, area, or facility should include documentation pertaining to the original approval and subsequent name change proposal. In the event that donor names must be removed for new construction, or in the event the library is destroyed by natural disaster and is rebuilt to be used for its original purpose, recognition shall be replaced per the original agreement.
- In the event a building or area is drastically altered through construction, the Board of Trustees shall reserve the right to add/alter gift recognition, including the room’s naming. Any donor plaques displaced as a result of this will be rededicated in an alternative location in accordance with the timeframe developed for the original gift.
- When a named space has reached the end of its useful life and will be replaced or substantially renovated, the replaced or renovated space may be renamed in recognition of a new donor or honoree. Appropriate recognition of earlier donors or honorees may be included in, or adjacent to, new renovated or redeveloped facilities.
Naming rights and opportunities are on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject toLibrary Board approval.
Approved by the Ripon Public Library Board of Trustees on August 30, 2022.