Library Board

Current Board Members

Board of trustees

  • President: Mary Madderom
  • Vice President: Doug Iverson
  • Secretary: Al Schraeder
  • School District Representative: Travis Liptow
  • Fond du Lac County Representative: Kat Griffith
  • At-Large: Janet Vossekuil
  • At-Large: Lisa Weeks
  • At-Large: Breck Speers

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting Notice

The Ripon Public Library Board of Trustees will meet Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 5:00 pm in the library’s Silver Creek Room and via Zoom (link below).

I. Call to order

II. Roll call

III. Renovation Project Update

IV. Approve minutes from November 5 board meeting

V. Interim Administrator’s report

VI. Outstanding Pledges report

VII. Amending ByLaws to move Board meeting date

VIII. Trustee Essentials #2 Who Runs the Library

IX. Action Items
a. Allocation of $500,000 for the Renovation Project
b. Board Resolution for Authorized Signatures on RPL Accounts with OACF

X. Financials
a. City Monthly report
b. OACF reports
c. Winnefox fund balance

XI. Director’s Report
a. Book Budget Shortage
b. Hoopla
c. Need for temporary financial assistant to work with Library Director to establish budgetary tracking mechanisms.
d. Pay for Performance shift in Operating

XII. Adjourn

Please contact the library at 920-748-6160 if you need accommodations to attend the meeting.

Past Meetings

Past agendas and meeting minutes are archived on the City of Ripon’s website, which you can reach by following the link below.

Library Board Agendas & Minutes